I remember when reality stars weren’t allowed to be on social media until the end of their show ends; they might want to work that rule back into the mix. The Bachelorette, Kaitlyn, made a huge mistake the other night after her birthday celebration in Chicago. She has a huge presence on social media, especially Snapchat where I follow her. I especially love her recap of the show every Monday night/Tuesday morning. Monday night she was in Chicago for her birthday and she was snapchatting the whole night, even the part when she was in bed with the WINNER OF THIS SEASON. She quickly deleted it but not before a ton of people took screenshots of it. My thought is she meant to send it to someone individually and she accidentally put it on her story and couldn’t delete it fast enough before people got screenshots OR she was just drunk. Either way, we are only five episodes in and the season is already ruined for me because of course, I had to look up who won. It’s like knowing my favorite pint of Ben & Jerry’s is in the freezer and not being able to touch it, I couldn’t help myself. Don’t worry, I won’t tell you who won but if you want to see, you can look HERE. But beware, if you click that link it will expose the winner! Did you peak? Are you surprised? My question is, how much is Kaitlyn going to have to pay for her mistake? I mean she had to have a contract with ABC prohibiting her from revealing the outcome of the show!